Thursday, July 31, 2008

At the fountain.

****Throw your penny in*****

I wish…

- someone would lend me a movie camera for a week, and all the lighting, sound, and editing equipment to go with it.

- I could see, in person, what America looked like in the time of the Native Americans.

- I could live to be 250, and think it’s really disappointing that we can’t.

- there was some kind of test, some sort of barometer, that was able to determine if people were really in love before they got married (I know, I know…it wouldn’t be “love” if you could medically test for it. But I still think it would be a much better qualification for a marriage license than sexual orientation and gender).

- I tended to a GIGANTIC garden.

- I was a doctor.

- that you will find what you’re looking for.

- baby dolls were an acceptable gift for a 19 year old.

- cancer was as curable as the common cold.

- she didn’t die.

- there was a shop (preferably near my town) that sold super sized sweets, like a 50 pound brownie and a 12 ft long cannoli!

- high cholesterol would never be an issue.

- I hadn’t fantasized while driving Saturday mornings on Navasink River Rd. that we lived there blissfully together.

- Princess Diana was my pen pal.

- a truly happy New Year.

- I knew this all before.

- I was a character on the show Lost.

PS. I thought I'd let my fellow writers know that my short story was published in US 1's Summer Fiction Issue. Woot!


Emily said...

Dude we got each other dolls just last year, Jasmine & Belle, it's completely acceptable, or maybe that's just us being weird...whatevs.

Navasink River rd., I feel like I've been there. Is there where Bono lives?

I wish for so many things, but mostly, I wish for the day to come when we won't have to make wishes for the common good, and I'll be free to daydream and wish about falling in love with him, or traveling to the moon and holding stardust in my hands, or performing on broadway with my girl bernadette : ) I wish we only had to wish for good things, and not wish the bad things away.

Congrats on the publication!!!

Captain Barbosa said...

at least you know a character form lost..... shannon hehe, just kiddin em

Emily said...


Kerilyn said...

Good point there Em (Barbosa..I'm going to ignore your comment for the sake of the common good).
I suppose that in wishing the bad things away, we are actually wishing for the good that will fill its empty space.