Thursday, July 24, 2008

Randomination #2 - Things I am Indifferent To Because Their Irony Cancels Out Their Preposity

Jessie Jackson/Rev. Al Sharpton

The paper divider things in Milano cookie packages that divide the thing into serving sizes

Frust, the line of sweeping that never goes into the dust pan

Dr. Phil


Fruit Cakes

James Dolan

Sunny D

Fox News

100% Milk Chocolate

The Pillsbury Dough Boy

1 comment:

Emily said...

fucking frust! I never knew that was what it was called.

how are you indifferent to cannibalism? when we get back to school ima eat you, so watch yourself! someone once told me that giving blood was cannibalism in it's own way. he explained it for hours. I nodded, said "me too," and then got a nurse to stick a needle in my arm....maybe I'm indifferent too.