Thursday, July 17, 2008

Somebody stop me!


I'm not sure how to begin a blog. I made one once, well a livejournal if that counts. That was years ago, in my early high school late middle school awkwardly emo stage, when I thought I had something to say, but most of it was just ranting. Ranting about things I thought mattered but don't. This time I'll do it right, talk of things that matter, at least me. I'm not sure where to begin, so I'll pretend like I've already begun.

My mom, little sister, and I were driving home from my grandmother’s house. My mom was yelling at me about something, and I was zoning out. When she finally stopped, I said “Let me out, I need yarn.” My mom didn’t say anything, just pulled over and sighed. Julia and I walked a couple of blocks till we made it to Lovelyarns. I love this store beyond words, it’s perfect. There’s a porch in front with twin rocking chairs, and a tree entirely knitted root to twig. I got what I needed and asked Sue (owner & 4 time winner of the stitch n' bitch award) to wind the yarn for me, partly to take away the pain of having to do it myself later by hand, but mostly just to piss off my mom. Sue was in the back with my yarn and the winding machine thingy that there’s probably a more technical name for, but I don’t know it. I noticed a small bucket of pins and business cards I’d never seen before on the counter. I picked up a pin that had a woman from the 20’s knitting with the words “somebody stop me!” next to her. I laughed and put it on my bag. I payed for the yarn and my sister and I walked back to the car. Julia had been looking around the store when I picked out the pin, so I showed her. Then she said “you would waste ten cents on a pin that looks like a five year old made it in home ec.” My first reaction was, should five year olds really be trusted to handle sharp objects in home ec? Should they even be in a home ec class in the first place? Then my mind finally thought back to the first part of what she’d said. Apparently the pins were ten cents. Fuck.

Welcome to our blog!

"We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things"
-Jason Mraz

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