Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Couple Strange "Long Car Ride Rituals"

After I get bored of all the CD’s in my car, I like to play this game. It’s actually really creepy, but I’m kind of a creeper, so maybe then it’s okay? I like to look over at the person next to me and try to figure out what song they’re listening to. I watch their mouths move and see how they tap their fingers on the window sill. Then, I try to guess the song, while simultaneously watching the car in front of me and scanning the sidelines for cops. It’s kind of a talent. I mean chances are I'm almost always wrong, but it's a way to waste time. Just a couple of days ago, I was driving home from voice lessons, and I swore I saw this guy in his late 40’s/early 50’s belting out Take Me or Leave Me. It took a whole extra hour to get home that day, but it was totally worth it! I also just like watching people’s hand movements and facial expressions to guess what they’re talking about. If they're counting on their fingers, I make up whatever they're counting...frogs, people they've had sex with, books, jobs they've been fired from, divorces, horses, houses they've robbed, medications they're on, places they've been, etc. I mean, you gotta entertain yourself somehow when the traffic’s not moving!

1 comment:

Rachel Gluzband said...

Wow, Emily. You've just out-creeped yourself.