So here are just a few of my favorite musical theater quotes. These songs I feel connected to in some way or another over so many other songs I’ve heard. I know it's cliche and trite to say that musical theater has taught me so many lessons and helped me become the person I am today, but it's definitely true. Sorry if this post ends up being ridiculously long!!!
“Where are we to go?
Where are we ever to go?
Running away, we'll do it.
Why sit around, resigned?
Trouble is, son,
the farther you run,
The more you feel undefined
For what you've left undone
And, nore, what you've left behind.
We disappoint,
We leave a mess,
We die but we don't.”
-No More: Into The Woods
“It's called what's your choice?
It's called count to ten.
It's called burn your bridges, start again.
You should burn them every now and then
Or you'll never grow!”
-Now You Know: Merrily We Roll Along
“And your heart is lead
And your stomach stone
And you're really scared
Being all alone...
And it's then that you miss
All the things you've known”
-Giants In The Sky: Into The Woods
“See George remember how George used to be,
Stretching his vision in every direction.
See George attempting to see a connection.
When all he can see,
Is maybe a tree,
The family tree,
Sorry, Marie...”
-Lesson #8: Sunday In The Park With George
“People think I’m failing.
They never understand,
But temporary set backs
Are part of what I planned.
And David had his vision,
And David played his game.
We have nothing much in common,
But we are more or less the same.”
-Nothing In Common: Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes
“What’s inside of each and every one of us here in this room,
What we mistakenly call our thoughts, our feelings, and our dreams
Have actually been put there by assistance,
Therefore, our minds have been invaded, conquered and occupied.
And like a catchy refrain that gets trapped in your head,
Like a catchy refrain that gets trapped in your head,
Someone else’s desires get lodged in your brain.
And so the only way to become your true self,
Is to create your true self,
And turn your life into a work of art!”
-What’s Inside Is Just a Lie: Passing Strange
"I was younger then,
I was good at climbing trees.
I was younger then,
I saw everything!
I was hidden all the time,
It was easier to climb.
I was younger then,
I saw everything!"
-Someone in a Tree: Pacific Overtures
"Some things are meant to be,
The tide turning endlessly,
The way it takes hold of me,
No matter what I do.
And some things will never die,
The promise of who you are,
Your memories when I am far from you.
All my life, I've lived for loving you,
Let me go now."
-Some Things Are Meant To Be: Little Women
"So, old friends now it's time to start growing up,
Taking charge, seeing things as they are,
Facing facts, not escaping them
Still with dreams, just reshaping them,
Growing up."
-Growing Up: Merrily We Roll Along
"Though I live with passion, and joy, and rage,
The only time I feel alive is when I'm on the stage,
And that's why living life like a normal person,
Is a stupid thing that I won't do!"
-Stupid Things I Won't Do-Infinite Joy/Make Me a Song
"You may know what you need,
But to get what you want,
Better see that you keep what you have."
-First Midnight: Into The Woods
"It's about one second,
And just when you're on the verge of success,
The sky starts to change,
And the wind starts to blow,
And you're suddenly a stranger.
There's no explaining where you stand
And you didn't know
That you sometimes have to go
Round an unexpected bend,
And the road will end
In a new world."
-The New World: Songs For A New World
“I live behind the rhyme and verse,
I lift my voice till I lift the curse,
It’s all rehearsed you see.
This music always rescues me,
There’s a melody for every malady.”
-Work The Wound: Passing Strange
“Listen everybody, I'm afraid you didn't hear, or do you want to
See a crazy lady fall apart in front of you, it isn't only Paul
Who may be ruining his life, you know we'll both of us be losing
Our identities, I telephoned my analyst about it and he said to
See him Monday, but by Monday I'll be floating in the
Hudson with the other garbage”
-Getting Married Today: Company
“No one can give you courage.
No one can thicken your skin.
I will not fail so you can be comfortable, Cathy.
I will not lose because you can't win.”
-If I Didn’t Believe in You: The Last 5 Years
“You sketched that turtle you saw in an ad on late-night cable TV
Tippy Turtle!
But your fourth grade teacher said,
“You can’t draw.”
Aww, those vampires just won’t let you be.
Fuck you Ms. Johnson, Word!”
-Die Vampire, Die: Title of Show
"We're opening doors,
Singing, "Here we are!"
We're filling up days on a dime.
That faraway shore's looking not too far.
We're following every star, there's not enough time!"
-Opening Doors: Merrily We Roll Along
“I believe, and I have found,
Hyperbole is not what makes the world go round.
Just living, just navigating firm and level ground,
Has power to astound,
I have found.”
-I Have Found: Infinite Joy/Make Me a Song
Then there are the songs that just can always put me in a better mood for whatever reason--
"Hey, I love you, set those sails!"
"The river don't, the river won't, flow for me!"
“Turn up these lights, cause I barely can see the black one!”
"We're the frogs, the adorable frogs. Not your hoity-toity intellectuals, not your hippy-dippy homosexuals."
"Instead of saying Billy, you have lost your head, collectively the community said: you're even better than you think you are!"
"If I'm in the mood, it will not be with some dude who is whistling cause he has nothing to say!"--or any song from this show. I always listen to this if I have to go somewhere early to wake me up--”In the heights, I flip the lights, and start my day!”-- (but I skip over the last few tracks where Abuela dies, because that just depresses me).
“Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen.”
“Stories of horses, parental divorces, and how rich or poor, it’s a very small sphere where we appear.”
“Somebody spell crayon!”
“With a thousand sweet kisses, when your heart has expired, oh lover, I’ll cover you!”
“Hello, George! There is someone in this dress!’
Thursday, July 31, 2008
At the fountain.
****Throw your penny in*****
I wish…
- someone would lend me a movie camera for a week, and all the lighting, sound, and editing equipment to go with it.
- I could see, in person, what America looked like in the time of the Native Americans.
- I could live to be 250, and think it’s really disappointing that we can’t.
- there was some kind of test, some sort of barometer, that was able to determine if people were really in love before they got married (I know, I know…it wouldn’t be “love” if you could medically test for it. But I still think it would be a much better qualification for a marriage license than sexual orientation and gender).
- I tended to a GIGANTIC garden.
- I was a doctor.
- that you will find what you’re looking for.
- baby dolls were an acceptable gift for a 19 year old.
- cancer was as curable as the common cold.
- she didn’t die.
- there was a shop (preferably near my town) that sold super sized sweets, like a 50 pound brownie and a 12 ft long cannoli!
- high cholesterol would never be an issue.
- I hadn’t fantasized while driving Saturday mornings on Navasink River Rd. that we lived there blissfully together.
- Princess Diana was my pen pal.
- a truly happy New Year.
- I knew this all before.
- I was a character on the show Lost.
PS. I thought I'd let my fellow writers know that my short story was published in US 1's Summer Fiction Issue. Woot!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
One Midnight Gone...
I’ve always spent a great deal of my summers sitting outside on my front porch. Around 2:00 every day I’d see this old man walking down the street reading. I was always so impressed with his talent of multi-tasking. He somehow managed to see where he was going without his eyes ever leaving his book. He wore these really big bulky glasses with thick black rims, which made me question whether or not looking up would have done him much good anyway.
I watched him and always wondered where he was going. He walked with such purpose that kind of made me envy him. Each day I saw him, the books different. Though I never got close enough to catch a title, the covers constantly changed. It never occurred to me until now how fast of a reader he must have been.
It’s weird now, to sit on the steps of my front porch and look out and not see him. I’ll be playing my guitar, or knitting, or reading, but will glance up expecting to see him. I’m hopeful that although my curiosity isn’t taken up by him anymore, someone else’s is.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A Day at the Beach

Photoshop CS2 for PC, some images found via google.
Really I was just curious to see if we could upload images on here for free.
Looks like we can!
Something I just stumbled upon
I figure this website is appropriate since it's related to writing... it's a web app programmed to guess the gender of an author based on his or her word choice.
I put in my post about Starbucks and it said I was a "weak female... possibly European"
Just thought someone might be interested in it.
I put in my post about Starbucks and it said I was a "weak female... possibly European"
Just thought someone might be interested in it.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Napkin Lit.
So today I decided to put a little blueprint I had bouncing around my head for awhile amongst other things I may or may not eventually get to before that whole death thing happens. (and yes, I used he phrase "bouncing around" on purpose- my consciousness is kind of like one of those big bounce things you get for little kid parties - collapsable, powered by a vacuum, vivid, wildly out of context, and full of bumbling, awkward little things and overdeveloped thoughts wasting time).
Anywho, back to the plot-
So yea, I decided to go out and start executing this whole idea I had about getting whatever egg was on face from previous things off, just so everything could be plowed down and settled so things could grow. So first off, I walked 25 min down from my house to the local Wal-Mart to get some scrubble-bubble wipes and perhaps some white cranberry - peach juice (which is freaking amazing btw, definately have new respect for cranberries for not ruining great fruit in the peach) and to see if my ex-girlfriend (from like 4 or 5 years ago, I've been in love with another girl for the past 1+ years) was working. On the way I stopped by two old friends houses, but as usual this summer, neither were home nor were they returning my calls.... I talked to one of them's brother, little Eddie. I had given him my drumset this year after he had beat cancer (can't spell it but heres a shot- lukeimia?). His sister, my friend, has been dating on and off with one of my best friends from scouts, and I haven't heard much from either of them since.
So, back to Wal-Mart. So I get there, say hi to a kid who went to high school with me and who I think is now condemned to eternal employment at Wal-Mart, spent about 5 minutes figuring out what kind of scrubble bubble wipes to use, and then went to go check out wal-marts crap ass cd collection. Walking out, I thought I saw her (ex-girlfriend, not eddie or any previously mentioned characters), but this girl had long hair in pigtails, so I did the safe thing and gave a dorky head nod, then, with no reaction, I thought I had once again said hi to someone I have never met before (which happens quite often - once I even hugged a guy thinking it was an elementary friend Brandon. Yeah, that on was a hard one to get out of.... not like you can say "Oh, no I met to do that, you looked cold") so I kept walking. Then her keys hit me in the ass and she was like "Jeesh just gunna walk by me without sayin hi?"
Since this is being read by stranger hopefully, I am very quick with sarcastic comments and wit- but regular conversation and the like are a little above me sometimes.
This needs to be explained because of my response, which was as follows:
"afloodyschullfepshflagg... uhhh"
Luckily, people are used to me mumbling and randomly bursting into scats, so only I noticed. So yea, she was going on lunch, so i was cool... said she as reading the bible cause it kept her sane while working here. Then I got distracted by what I a woman I can only compare to one of the Dr. Seuss characters from "There's A Wocket in My Pocket", the things that are in the closet i think, the big bird type things. Seriously, this woman was like a foot taller than me, blond, mid-life, curlers in, and some weird ass green foam thing sticking vertically out of her skull, and I'm 75% sure she was wearing her kid's model of the solar system for earrings.
Then I snapped back from Salamasa (the setting of Yertle the Turtle for those who don't know) and realized she was waiting for me to say "see ya" after she had apprently said bye since she was halfway down the aisle now. So I did.
Then as I turned back to pretend to be interested in some $20 censored Rage Against the Machine album, I saw through my peripheral that she was looking back at me. I don't think she was checking me out, since 1) she has a boyfriend, 2) she knows I have a girlfriend, and 3) I think I ahd just confused the crap out of both of us.
So, I picked up a 3 disc Pavarotti cd for $5 and was about to check out when symbolism struck me.
Napkins. I was cleaning up my "mess". genius.
So I went to the Dunkin' Donuts inside Wal-Mart (always thought this was funny - a high fat, unhealthy snack inside a corporate giant's greedy tummy) , grabbed a napkin, and went to go find Jay, the kid perpetually stuck with that jauntis smiley on his vest. I borrowed a pen for him, and wrote my apology on it- basiclaly saying I'm sorry if I had ever confused her/hurt her during our 2 week "relationship" back in Sophmore year, and that I hadn't met too if I did, I just really didn't know what I was doing at all when it came to relationship stuff. (No seriously, I had no idea - when we broke up, I think the only words I said during the phone call was "uh... I don't know", inlcuding when she asked "do you think we should break up?" - like I said, not very keen on the conversation thing).
So i folded the napkin, gave it and the pen to Jay, told him she as on lunch and to give it to take a break from re-alphabetizing the prescription drugs before he got any bad ideas and to give it to her for me. Then I used the machine clerk to check myself out (I looked mighty fine may I add), and walk back home uphill.
Then my old basketball coach, Mr. Renzoni, saw me trekking up Indian Hills and gave me a ride. I liked this too, because the last time I was sitting with Mr. Renzoni, it was when he put me into a wheelchair after I hurt my knee at a basketball game.
Next up I plan on going tomorrow to another friends house unsuspected. Then maybe I'll tackle the big one.
Or maybe I'll just rent a big bounce.
Speaking of napkins, did you know Harry Potter was originally written on cocktail napkins? You know how may fucking cocktail napkins that would be????
Here are the books I have read so far this summer:
Sellevision, Augustin Burroughs
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Sir Douglas Adams
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Sir Douglas Adams
So Long, And Thanks For All the Fish, Sir Douglas Adams
Mostly Harmless, Sir Douglas Adams
Young Zaphod Plays it Safe, Sir Douglas Adams
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales, The Grimm Brothers
The Lord of the Flies, William Golding
Musicophilia, Sir Oliver Sacks
"I dream I don't know anybody at the party, but I'm always the host
If dreams are like movies, then memories are films about ghosts"
- "Mrs. Potter's Lullabye", Counting Crows
"Never allow butter, soup, or other food to remain on your whiskers. Use the napkin frequently"
- Hill's Manual of Social and Business Forms: Etiquette for the Table
Thursday, July 24, 2008
the liar, the witch, and the wardrobe
I was five and naive with a wild imagination, as any girl in my lower school did, given the fact that we had no playground, only the rocks and the trees to play with. I caught you with a gum wrapper, which in our mother's eyes was sinful. If you ate gum, you'd turn into a lifelong smoker like herself. Things sometimes seemed to work backwards for her. I told you I'd tell, but you said you had a secret that would make sense of your sin. So, unknowingly I forever fell in the trap of believing.
"Our brother's Adam and Eric live in the attic. Mom and dad hide them away, because they're ashamed of them," you said with a smirk that somehow slipped past me.
"What? So the gum was...for them?!"
"Oh, it's all they'll eat! They've never lived with humans, so they don't know kids can't just eat gum and candy all day."
"So shouldn't we give them regular people food?"
"No! No! I mean...they won't eat it, they wouldn't know what it was. You should get them some, and I can give it to them. I know them, they trust me."
"Well, okay."
Three girls and no boys, no Charles Harvey Palmer IV that our dad had been hoping for. Just like there was never a gun safe behind that scary portrait of a distant relative in our dining room that'd be staring straight at you no matter where you were in the room. I walked the creaking steps to the attic, and inside an old wardobe, found the brotherless wrappers.
Sorry for trying to get back at you by stabbing you in the arm with a pencil, even though mom said I'd go to jail if I did it. I guess I've learned that sometimes, she lies too.
....or she's just wrong, a lot.
So, the truth as to why I lie--I'm not always the naive five year old that gets caught belieiving. Sometimes, it's you!
Randomination #2 - Things I am Indifferent To Because Their Irony Cancels Out Their Preposity
Jessie Jackson/Rev. Al Sharpton
The paper divider things in Milano cookie packages that divide the thing into serving sizes
Frust, the line of sweeping that never goes into the dust pan
Dr. Phil
Fruit Cakes
James Dolan
Sunny D
Fox News
100% Milk Chocolate
The Pillsbury Dough Boy
Randomination #1 -Some Words I Like
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Unreleased Poem
I forgot to put this one in my book, Orange Flavored Footnotes, until after it was published. Too bad, cause I actually liked this one. One day I may make it into a song.
We are not fabricators
Mystic aviators wit built-in navigators
Dictators of some creative barometer
To some sort of soul we've yet to see
We are not fabricators
Illuminators of vibrations in the cosmos we've yet to see
We are instigators
Cheap, sly laminators
Lamenting the laments of somebody else
We are administrators
We are animators
We are instigators.
It's our one true denominator
The Fleet-fingered flutist
The hot-handed harpist
The cat-napping composer
Thieves all.
Stealing toy trophies to rearrange
On the mantle pieces
In a house we call our own
We are not fabricators
We are nasty nasty annunciators
So girls and boys,
Best become imitators
Originality is a coy.
"Poems are never finished, only abandoned" - Paul Valery
Dear Post Secret
I feel more alone when I'm with someone than when I'm by myself, unless I'm with you.
I've always known when the milk had gone bad, sorry for never saying so.
Lately, I feel closer to your mom than I do to you.
I sang him a song, and he soon fell asleep. Then I looked for a movie, but found your porn collection instead.
I don't think I'll ever be able to take cops on bikes seriously.
Wow. It's been a long time since I've "blogged." Like Emily I used to be a LiveJournal person, and also as she says I blogged about such mundane things as things not going my way, people not paying attention, blahblahblah. It embarrasses me to look back on those posts. I was a silly teenager. Well, I still am one, technically, almost only one more year of teenage..hood.
I don't have much to say, just thought I would introduce myself.
I've just finished re-reading all of the Harry Potter books start to finish. It took two weeks, because I decided I should probably interact with the outside world at intervals. I miss Harry Potter all over again. How is it that an imaginary world can be so captivating? I love almost everything about these books, and they bring me a lot of comfort. Why, I have no idea. Maybe because I grew up reading them, and every time I read one I can escape. It's so nice to escape. That's probably why I like theatre. You can be anyone you want, and it doesn't matter if your own life is hopelessly boring or frustrating or what have you. I found a few quotes recently, so I guess I'll share them. Two are about dancing, but I like to substitute any kind of performing :p
"For all the work dancers do during the day, the reason we do it is that short time onstage. Nothing I've experienced in life is like it, and that scares me. When I can't dance, what will ever make me feel so alive, so in the moment? When I once told a friend that I didn't pray, he said, "Your performance is your prayer. That's what you're doing up there." He was right. Whatever God is, I feel close to God when I perform."
-Kyle Froman
"I dance and perform because it's the only time that I feel like I can be myself. It's ironic, because when you're onstage you aren't being yourself, but the world completely shuts out and you can just live for what's going on right then. When I step on a stage, it's like finding true peace."
-Spencer Liff
And now some quotes from Albus Dumbledore. Because he's scarily wise. But then again, he's fictional.
"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." -Albus Dumbledore
"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him." -Albus Dumbledore
"Trivial hurts, tiny human accidents ... These are of no more significance than the scurryings of ants to the wide universe."
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I think the first quote by Dumbledore is really exciting. I really had never thought of what happens after you die as being an "adventure," but honestly, who knows what happens? It could be anything...
And finally, My favorite:
"Tell me one last thing," said Harry. "Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?"
Dumbledore beamed at him.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
I don't care if the world of Harry Potter is in my head, because in that messed up place it is real.
I don't have much to say, just thought I would introduce myself.
I've just finished re-reading all of the Harry Potter books start to finish. It took two weeks, because I decided I should probably interact with the outside world at intervals. I miss Harry Potter all over again. How is it that an imaginary world can be so captivating? I love almost everything about these books, and they bring me a lot of comfort. Why, I have no idea. Maybe because I grew up reading them, and every time I read one I can escape. It's so nice to escape. That's probably why I like theatre. You can be anyone you want, and it doesn't matter if your own life is hopelessly boring or frustrating or what have you. I found a few quotes recently, so I guess I'll share them. Two are about dancing, but I like to substitute any kind of performing :p
"For all the work dancers do during the day, the reason we do it is that short time onstage. Nothing I've experienced in life is like it, and that scares me. When I can't dance, what will ever make me feel so alive, so in the moment? When I once told a friend that I didn't pray, he said, "Your performance is your prayer. That's what you're doing up there." He was right. Whatever God is, I feel close to God when I perform."
-Kyle Froman
"I dance and perform because it's the only time that I feel like I can be myself. It's ironic, because when you're onstage you aren't being yourself, but the world completely shuts out and you can just live for what's going on right then. When I step on a stage, it's like finding true peace."
-Spencer Liff
And now some quotes from Albus Dumbledore. Because he's scarily wise. But then again, he's fictional.
"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." -Albus Dumbledore
"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him." -Albus Dumbledore
"Trivial hurts, tiny human accidents ... These are of no more significance than the scurryings of ants to the wide universe."
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I think the first quote by Dumbledore is really exciting. I really had never thought of what happens after you die as being an "adventure," but honestly, who knows what happens? It could be anything...
And finally, My favorite:
"Tell me one last thing," said Harry. "Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?"
Dumbledore beamed at him.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
I don't care if the world of Harry Potter is in my head, because in that messed up place it is real.
Add this to your summer reading list
So I just finished reading this really great book, Starbucked, by Taylor Clark. It was a very intriguing and quick read; I'm sure I would have gotten through it quickly even without the 14-day deadline imposed by my local library. And yes, it was intriguing even though it was a nonfiction book about coffee.
Of course, the thing that made it so incredibly interesting was the fact that it was about so much more than just coffee. Yeah, sure, coffee does have quite a lot to do with it. But Clark explains everything, starting from the drink's history and continuing on to how one independent roasting company in Seattle was able to become a global household name.
Clark's book examines Starbucks from two perspectives; first, he takes an appreciative view at how Howard Schultz was able to singlehandedly (well, ok, he had a lot of help) take a mundane and generally low-quality beverage and turn it into a gourmet commodity that a typical consumer would be willing to pay almost five dollars to drink on a regular basis. Second, Clark looks at the company's impact on the world; how it may be either the cause or the byproduct of gentrification in America, how it was able to spread so quickly across the globe, and how its business model shows no signs of slowing down in the near future.
Is Starbucks singilng out and destroying locally owned, mom-and-pop chains in America? How can they get away with opening two stores across the street frome each other? Just what makes the stores such a cool place to hang out, anyway?
I, like many Americans, just sort of assumed that Starbucks was an evil corporation, bent on global domination. Of course, I also visit the retailer several times per week. Clark's book helped to explain this psychological phenomenon. It also taught me what the word gentrification means.
I haven't decided yet how I ultimately feel about Starbucks. The book actually made me a little more confused than I was to begin with. But it was still fascinating, and I feel really good about myself for voluntarily reading a nonfiction book over the summer. I'd highly reccomend it.
Of course, the thing that made it so incredibly interesting was the fact that it was about so much more than just coffee. Yeah, sure, coffee does have quite a lot to do with it. But Clark explains everything, starting from the drink's history and continuing on to how one independent roasting company in Seattle was able to become a global household name.
Clark's book examines Starbucks from two perspectives; first, he takes an appreciative view at how Howard Schultz was able to singlehandedly (well, ok, he had a lot of help) take a mundane and generally low-quality beverage and turn it into a gourmet commodity that a typical consumer would be willing to pay almost five dollars to drink on a regular basis. Second, Clark looks at the company's impact on the world; how it may be either the cause or the byproduct of gentrification in America, how it was able to spread so quickly across the globe, and how its business model shows no signs of slowing down in the near future.
Is Starbucks singilng out and destroying locally owned, mom-and-pop chains in America? How can they get away with opening two stores across the street frome each other? Just what makes the stores such a cool place to hang out, anyway?
I, like many Americans, just sort of assumed that Starbucks was an evil corporation, bent on global domination. Of course, I also visit the retailer several times per week. Clark's book helped to explain this psychological phenomenon. It also taught me what the word gentrification means.
I haven't decided yet how I ultimately feel about Starbucks. The book actually made me a little more confused than I was to begin with. But it was still fascinating, and I feel really good about myself for voluntarily reading a nonfiction book over the summer. I'd highly reccomend it.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Well this is awkward. I mean, this whole blogging thing- I'm not really talking to someone, but I am, yet if I introduce myself I'm basically introducing myself to myself and well, let's face it, I think we have enough trouble trying to figure out what "self" is nevermind figuring out why we have private ownership of it at all. I won' tell you everything about me, because, well, that'd just be silly and wouldn't allow any buildup now would it? Anyways, I wouldn't want to spoil myself for me, I'm a captive fan after all. But here's some snippets to keep you occupied:
I eat the green shit inside of lobsters. It's actually their livers, and its a delicacy too.
I can do the weird three leaf clover thing with my tongue, but I can't touch my nose with it or anything like that.
In Kindergarten we had this kid Jared in our class, and when he had to move his Mom wrote a letter and sent it to their mailbox that said he was getting recruited by the Power Rangers and had to go away. He was king of the playground for a long time after that. I still wonder sometimes if he ever defeated Rita and her putty men.
I think Ahhnold, Stallone, Bob Dylan, Mushmouth from Fat Albert, Animal the Muppet, Steven Segal, and Ozzy should all co-star in a movie together, not because I'm a big fan of any of them (well, except Animal), but I think it'd be great to have an American movie with english subtitles.
I come from a medium sized town where we are known for 3 things: we invented Naugahyde, everyone's favorite leather substitute, the apocolyptic part of War of the Worlds was filmed here, and we have the highest rate of testicular cancer in the country. Glad to say I've only taken part in one of these, I'll let you guess which one.
I like reading.
Especially people.
I tend to have two general affect on people- I either make them easy, or really creep them out.
I've had a very interesting life so far- but like I said, not giving away too much yet. In fact, no one save two or three people know my whole story, including myself. I only do tell the whole thing when I feel the person I'm telling's perspective of me will change as little as possible, or if I a supposed to.
I used to go to this diner when I was a kid (well actually I still do), and the owner/chef Billy used to always say he was going to throw me in the dumpster. One day he actually did. It was awesome.
I saw my first dead body when I was 6. Well, really I geuss it wasn't a whole body, but part of a dead body still counts as a dead body I think
Sometimes I spell grey g-r-e-y. but sometimes I spell it g-r-a-y. I'm still waiting for Crayola to get back to me.
I like the song "Africa" by Toto, but Ican only listen up to the second verse and then hafta fast forward to the chorus, 'cause i hate the line "Kilamenjaro rises like Olympus above the Sarenghetti" Toto, come on. It's a simile, you can't say the mountain is rising above like another big mountain. That's liek me saying "This Chips Ahoy is as crunchy as a Tollhouse".
I think we are all secondary characters in one big continuos novel. Problems start to occur when we see ourselves as a titles character, an antagonist, protagonist, whatever.
And it's very interesting to see how the novel brings us around, for example take these facts:
A boy scout troop is founded in 1913 as Troop 2, 2 years after the BSA is founded.
A mailman delivers the newspaper at 7 am to a half-shaved 60 year old
A 4 year old boy somehow survives and electrical shock due to trying to "fix" an open light socket.
A teenage girl goes out on a date with a teenage boy, then decides to ditch him for another
A woman finally has her second child after 7 miscarriages, and 1 baby who did not survive more than 1 day.
A 3 year old girl is tossed off a porch into her house by her father while a gas grill explodes 4 feet away.
Now what you probably wouldnt know-
The four year old boy is the last child of the mother, and is named "Matthews" meaning "gift of god" rather than "Nathanial"
After the electrical mishap, the boy spends his morning before kinder garten with the 60 year old half shaven man, his grandfather.
The grandfathers son is the boy's father, and the teenage boy who was ditched by the teenage girl for the other man
The other man and teenage girl end up married and give birth to another, James, who, through the boy scout troop, (now Troop 102, not 2), which is headed by the aforementioned family, meets and becomes brothers with his counterpart, the dicthed boy's son.
The 3 year old girl is the mailman's daughter, named Morgan, though her mother calls her "emma". Eventually, the girl would date the boy, who's grandfather had his mail delivered to him by her father while taking care of the boy.
This relationship would begin 5 years after the boy, after many failed attempts to date a crush, had hoped to find "his emma".
All I'm sayin is, I find coincidences very hard things to believe in.
Well, I geuss that's enough for now. Tootles.
"Things just keep getting curioser and curioser" - Alice
"Shiki suggested haiku as an abbreviation of the phrase 'haikai no ku'"
There is a faint light
Hanging close to my head now.
Where is that damn switch?
I’m running ahead
And praying, dear God, it’s not
A treadmill below.
How is it that All
changes color depending
On your time and place?
There is a faint light
Hanging close to my head now.
Where is that damn switch?
I’m running ahead
And praying, dear God, it’s not
A treadmill below.
How is it that All
changes color depending
On your time and place?
"The ones you have to watch are the ones that keep coming back"
I like to send my friends postcards from places all over the world, so even though I can't leave Baltimore all summer, I can at least pretend to. I'm in Venice next. Expect one soon.
Monday, July 21, 2008
dark knights and stamp collectors
Today I did the unthinkable (well, at least in my mind). I went to go see a horror movie all by myself. I'm pretty proud of my accomplishment. On the way home, I was stopped at a red light and a chain of eleven children all colors and sizes holding hands with a mother and father at opposite ends crossed the street. I thought to myself, these parents must have sucked at stamp collecting when they were kids and tried to make it up in children when they grew up. Clearly, that's the only explanation.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Somebody stop me!
I'm not sure how to begin a blog. I made one once, well a livejournal if that counts. That was years ago, in my early high school late middle school awkwardly emo stage, when I thought I had something to say, but most of it was just ranting. Ranting about things I thought mattered but don't. This time I'll do it right, talk of things that matter, at least me. I'm not sure where to begin, so I'll pretend like I've already begun.
My mom, little sister, and I were driving home from my grandmother’s house. My mom was yelling at me about something, and I was zoning out. When she finally stopped, I said “Let me out, I need yarn.” My mom didn’t say anything, just pulled over and sighed. Julia and I walked a couple of blocks till we made it to Lovelyarns. I love this store beyond words, it’s perfect. There’s a porch in front with twin rocking chairs, and a tree entirely knitted root to twig. I got what I needed and asked Sue (owner & 4 time winner of the stitch n' bitch award) to wind the yarn for me, partly to take away the pain of having to do it myself later by hand, but mostly just to piss off my mom. Sue was in the back with my yarn and the winding machine thingy that there’s probably a more technical name for, but I don’t know it. I noticed a small bucket of pins and business cards I’d never seen before on the counter. I picked up a pin that had a woman from the 20’s knitting with the words “somebody stop me!” next to her. I laughed and put it on my bag. I payed for the yarn and my sister and I walked back to the car. Julia had been looking around the store when I picked out the pin, so I showed her. Then she said “you would waste ten cents on a pin that looks like a five year old made it in home ec.” My first reaction was, should five year olds really be trusted to handle sharp objects in home ec? Should they even be in a home ec class in the first place? Then my mind finally thought back to the first part of what she’d said. Apparently the pins were ten cents. Fuck.
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